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Corporate Partnerships

Corporate Partnerships Info

OGA Golf Course is pleased to offer a unique way to advertise your product and/or service. Our GPS Advertising program will enable you to put your message in front of thousands of people at an affordable price.

The OGA Golf Course hosts 40,000+ annual rounds and is home to many local and state competitions in addition to numerous corporate events. 

Benefits of GPS Advertising:

  • Captive audience
  • Target your desired customer
  • Reach a high profile audience
  • Prove cost effective
  • Achieve return on investment
  • Impress your clients
  • Create brand awareness
  • Includes certificates for rounds of golf at OGAGC

New in 2025, we are featuring golf carts equipped with state of the art EZ-GO Pace Technology GPS Screens. Each 10.1" monitor will display an HD color image of the course with easy to read distances to the hole as well as to relevant course features and hazards. Your full-screen ad will appear on your designated hole after golfers tee off and drive away from the tee box and will appear on-screen for 15-20 seconds. The ad will appear again at the completion of the hole. In addition, a smaller panel insert ad will appear in the corner of the screen for the entirety of your designated hole(s). 

PaceTechnology Feature4 2

All Corporate Partnerships include:

  • Designated Advertisement on Golf Cart GPS Screens 
  • Rounds of Golf with Cart at OGA Golf Course
  • Discount on Corporate Tournaments or Events
  • Advertisers Logo / Website link on ogagolfcourse.com as Corporate Partner and included in monthly OGAGC newsletter distribution

Interested in learning more about Corporate Partnerships? Fill out the form below to get started! 

Corporate Partnership Request

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